Thursday, April 21, 2005

Views from across the border.

I have always enjoyed interacting with the Pakistanis over the net. It has helped me remove many of the notions and stereotypes, I had as an Indian. Infact, I wonder how the Americans and the westerners live with their sophomoric ideas about the east. Do not get me wrong. I have many American friends, Europeans as well. And they are all wonderful people. But their views of the east are mainly driven by the news items and Hollywood movies which they see. News items, are well, factually wrong more often than not simply because the news reporters do not have the background information and requisite knowledge to make authentic documentaries or stories. And movies? Well they excel in caricaturing the east. Isnt it why, in US, its always, "world's most beautiful model", "world's most beautiful woman" and not "America's most beautiful model/woman" !!! But I have digressed from what I wanted to talk about. Here is the link to an article from a columnist from across the border. A nice piece.


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