Friday, April 29, 2005

Unseen, unknown territory.... unexplainable feelings

DEATH. What does it mean? Rather what does it feel like? Last February I was in Delhi where my father was undergoing his second heart operation. One evening I saw this cute little girl,One of the cutest faces I had ever seen, playing with my father, who was doing his post surgery recovery. Later my father told me that she has a hole in the heart which can not be corrected and all the doctors have given up. I do not know who to feel bad for more, the little angel or her parents, who knew their little angel has a very short time with them? Perhaps the worst kind of mental torture a parent can go through! A known terminal illness.

I do not know, why today I was reminded of that little girl. I do not know if she is still braving her illness or if she has succumbed. But hers is a face, I doubt I will ever forget. And I wish all the best to your parents and to you, where ever you are, LITTLE ANGEL.


Blogger annush said...

YOu know, death is a part of life, and I like to believe that death is the best thing that can happen to people and that when children die is because they are too good to be in this wretched place to begin with...

8:50 PM  

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