Myth list
Myth #2: Indians make for very good software programmers.
Myth #3: Indians are very hospitable.
Perhaps there are more, but my gray matter is letting me down big time.
Myth #1: India is a land of snake charmers.
India is both, stinking rich and heartbreakingly poor. The very fact that in almost all the fields of technology, specially defence, communications and science, we are in the top 10 in the world contradicts this wrong perception of India. Considering, we won(well, we did not win it really) our freedom only 58 years back, and were hugely resource deprived, this is no mean achievement. But things can always be better.
Myth #2: Indians make for very good software programmers.
Well, they are mostly below average or average. A very few of them are good, still fewer very good and one in a thousand is a brilliant programmer. More Indians are software programmers. And that is because that is an easy way to make more money and go to US and settle down there possibly.
Myth #3: Indians are very hospitable.
You only have to hear the badmouthing they engage in when a relative comes visiting. We are as opportunist as anyone else.
I don't care...I still wanna come to India and I will :P
lol.... It wasn't meant to discourage anyone from visiting India. But I guess, considering your recent globe trotting, you might want to take some rest before starting again.
I second that, Annush. I still want to visit India. Pondicherry and Goa.
So there, Anoop.
And I still like the myths, whether you dispell them or not haha.
AND I still like Monsoon
Wedding :-)
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