Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I, me, myself

What do I love?
I love travelling, sports, adventure sports, walking bare feet on a beach feeling the cold sand, spending the night there, driving, reading, writing, martial arts, programming, science and technology, wild life, universe, theory of relativity, watching good (whose good!!!!) movies, music, children and spending time with my daughter.

That's a big list, but I genuinely love all those. And that's the complete list unless I have to break it down. I am not much of a pub person. And I can not mix easily in a crowd. Okay.... okay... I am pretty shy. Am I a loner? Perhaps I am but I don't despise company. I am not xenophobic.

I love the setting sun, and if I have to watch the rising sun, I will need to skip my sleep because there are only two things that can wake me up early in the morning at that hour, swimming and Tennis. I love the ocean waves whispering to me, teaching me about life itself, the joys of living it and the sand asking me subtly to give room to my partner in the relationship because if I try tighten my grip on it, I will only lose it.

I love taekwondo. And I have shamelessly copied those words from the school in NY where I was learning it. This is one thing I want to pursue again and one of the two reasons why I would love to go back to US.

I love wild life. I would love to have a face to face with a great white shark, or a black Mamba, or a king Cobra, or feed a croc in Darwin or the Australian zoo.

Perhaps, I will have the guts to quit software industry after 5-10 years by when I would have had enough of programming and pursue one of these interests.

What do you like to do? What do you love?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear anoop,
please be careful what you wish for.
i have seen a taipan from behind the safety of glass and they are a fearsome reptile.
actually, from what little i know of india it would seem to me far more exciting [danger if you seek it] and colourful than just about any country i can think of.
after my studies of the teachings of the buddha i now try to simplify my life.
i seek peace.
i have everything i need to be happy right now.
i wish you the peace [and the thrills] you seek.
i enjoy your blog.
kind regards,
Kanga Roo

3:51 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Hi KR,
Thanks a lot :) and I am glad you liked my blog.

4:39 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hi Anoop, you sound quite interesting, complex, and you've described yourself beautifully.

No, I cannot believe you're shy.

Actually, you seem to be what I picture men from India to be like, even though I do know that there is no 'one' type of Indian. is true what Kanga Roo says...NOTHING happens in Australia. zzzzzzz

Seems to us looking on that India is much, much more exciting.

My cousin [AnalisM] is into taekwondo, my sis is into kung fu. Why would you have to leave India to go to the US to do taekwondo?

6:18 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Lol..... I am shy. I am actually shy to the extent of being called a mannerless man.

Australia : Well... I would love to watch the Ayers rock, the coral reef, the Sydney opera house, Darwin and the crocs, all the reptiles in the desert.
NZ : its a beautiful country and besides all those natural geysers, would love to go bungee jumping where it all started.

Well, I could not find a single good Tae Kwon Do instructor here and facilities are pathetic. Does not mean I have given up on it but I would love to learn it in that school any day. Grand Master Byung Min KIm was the coach of the US olympics Tae Kwon Do team.

7:05 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Speaking of asked...'what do you like to do,' etc...

Me? I'm a lazy gal. No sports playing for me. I can walk for hours. I will do yoga every now and then.

I like so many things it would be better if I say what I DON'T like...alcohol, drugs and cigarette smoke.

I can't believe it though, no good taekwondo schools to be found your way. My cousin found one here, in Guyana, it's supposed to be good. But then, 'good' is relative.

Maybe you can find some instructor who lives abroad who wants to move to India, and can start a school there.

Still can't believe you're shy. I read your old post about a job of yours...

10:38 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Which one would that be? The old post, I mean?

10:53 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

An old is on the page about you. It's a post about you and your old job, when you resigned. You didn't seem shy handling them!

6:44 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

oh... that was from one of my other blogs.

Lol isnt that a "dont mess with me" attitude? An arrogant guy ;). That was one incident when I had last raised my voice pitch. Now it brings a smile on my face. And perhaps it happened for the better. I appreciate my current manager a lot more now than I would have perhaps done had I not experienced that.

I thought I had deleted that blog :)

8:08 AM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

No, no, don't delete, I still have to read the old ones.

Yes, sometimes it's good to raise one's voice, when it's totally necessary.

See what good came of it?

I wonder where Annush has gone to...I hope she's okay.

5:50 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Apologies. I had deleted it sometime last month or early this month. Thats why I was surprised, when did you read it.

She was not well for a couple of days. I believe she is okay now. Just without a smoke ;)

6:32 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hmmm...can't remember when I read it, that old post. One Saturday a couple of weeks back...

4:38 PM  

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