Monday, June 20, 2005


It was as if time had stopped moving. A sense of touch, so overwhelming and so consuming, when it was finally over, he was left speechless, in heart and in soul. He felt as if he had lived a life, but with a tinge of sadness. There was a sense of touch, the sense of feeling her, in soul, there was a sense of reliving the moments that were the ne plus ultra of joy, he had ever known. And has he moved his fingers, just so delicately over the small, very tiny bottle of cologne, his face had lit up with a smile that hinted at the knowledge of the profound meaning of love, true love. He had accidentally discovered the bottle, which was given to him by the girl he loved, unconditionally and truly, after almost 10 years. He had lost it, till today but had never forgotten about it. The cologne, though manly, always reminded him of her, her touch, her soft skin, her odour. And after so many years, all the memories, all the feelings had returned back to engulf him in the sea of emotions. He embraced the moments with tenderness of soul that should not have been reserved for it, without any guilt perhaps because he knew he could love only one in this lifetime, and he had already done so. He could have denied but he knew it would not have been the truth and the truth like the moment would come back again, to snuggle him, perhaps even to haunt him.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Very, very romantic, sensitive.

Isn't it amazing how one little, forgotten object can bring back a rush of memories, emotions?

7:20 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...


And you are so very right. Infact, the stones, the valleys, this earth, if any of it could speak, would have so many stories to tell, of passion, of sacrifice, of betrayal, of heroism, of humanity.

12:16 AM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Now you've inspired me! If only this earth could speak. That thought stopped my breath for a moment.

How I wish you'd do a post on that, if the earth, the stones, the valleys of India could speak.

2:36 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Whats stopping you. I am sure you will come up with a great post soon.

8:02 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Oops misread it lol... but I am sure you can come up with a great post yourself. :)

11:53 AM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Thanks for the confidence in my writing :-)

But then, I'd feel as if I'm stealing your idea.

Actually, I did think one day what this earth must be saying about old age, now that she's getting on in age. Maybe I can post that one day.

12:57 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

I dont think you would be stealing anything.... And you are one hundred percent better writer than I am... And I am not being modest... As Sherlock Holmes said, "Modesty is not a virtue". And I have always had four heroes...

1.) Amitabh Bachchan
2.) Sherlock Holmes
3.) Boris Becker
4.) Maradona

Rahul Dravid is fast reaching to be in the 5 list.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Icylyrics said...

This was beautiful. I am so glad to have met both you and GG. Your writing styles are so different than my own, however I learn so much from your thoughts and ideas.


3:49 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Thanks :)

9:02 AM  

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