Rowling on a roll.
Its priced at Rs 650. Thats about US $14.
Rs 65, 000, 000. US $ 1400, 000.
India continues to be the amazing country it was in my last post. People do things not because they know what they are doing and more importantly they like it but because "its a hot thing".
I havent read nor watched a single Harry Potter movie/book, so I won't be judgemental. It could be brilliant, it could be very good, it good be good, it could be average, it could be just tolerable, it could be crap, it could be anything really.
But I personally know people who like a thing only because its "hot and happening".
And, unfortunately, there is no dearth of such people in India.
Oh, and I am talking only about the last one released yesterday.
Hurray!!! It's not just here!!!
We're not the dumbest people around!
Ok, maybe we are but we're not alone!!!
Consider yourself lucky that you haven't seen it or read it. It is pure drivel. It may be fine for children, but I can't understand all the adults I see reading the books... Anyway, I suppose there are worse things they could do ;)
I should read one just to see why the adults are going wild over it, I guess.
"Follow fashion" [as we say] is not just in India, Anoop.
lol dcver.... sure dumbness knows no boundaries. ;)
Viking, I deliberately avoided reading/watching them. I am a huge, huge star trek - the original series fan, even liked the "the next generation" though not as much as the original one. But watching Harry Potter trailers I felt its a piece of crap.
And suddenly people were reading/watching it because their friends had.
GG, I agree... Follow the fashion is really everywhere. I remember, I bought "The Da Vinci code" after almost 6 months, perhaps even more, when everybody I knew said its "a great novel". When I read it, I felt like asking my friends to pool in the money I spent on the novel. It was pathetic. So many loopholes. But reading it has become a fashion.
My neighbour lent me the Da Vinci Code, and it's still sitting there, in my room. It is a fat book.
['A Suitable Boy' is a fatter book, but ohhhhh, I LOVED it.]
i like harry potter i'm afraid. the movies are pretty trashy, but the books are fun.
i read white teeth after years of hype. it was good...but nothing special. it was only hyped because the author was so young. if she'd been 30 when she wrote....never so much craziness
I saw the first Harry Potter movie, and thought, 'oh, how cute for the kiddos', however I have never seen people more obsessed over fantasy books in my life. I have never been pressed to read them. Never have, never will. Have no interest or desire. People amaze me. I think if we had as much drive toward making positive changes in our communities, as we do in feeding into the hype of reading Harry Potter books, the world might be a half way livable place.
It's practically my credo in life that if something is popular, it's probably not worth looking at.
Gotta agree with Icylyrics. If only being nice to people were as fashionable as Harry Potter or Star Wars...
I more or less agree with you on "popularoty versus worth".
Well said Icy.
And Piu Piu, It perhaps is good. As I said I have no read it but what I find incredible is people buying it just for the heck of it and adding it to their collection without reading it. There are many better books out there which have not even got a glance by us Indians.
GG, try reading "The namesake". Its one of the better books I have read in the recent times.
The namesake? By?
Harry who?
Always thought Americans were the ones
that went for "the hot thing".
For some unknown reason, I actively
reject "hot" things.
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