Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The crap called Matrix.

I liked matrix. I really did. But only for its special effects.

The plot of Matrix would be cool or high funda stuff to anyone who wants to look cool rather than is cool. As I often say, its like being a microsoft programmer versus being a linux/unix programmer. It has swept off a so many guys off their feet (and their mind) because the script writers made it a complex work. But complex need not be true.

Well Mr. Anderson (however you are spelt), first of all, dream world is different from the real world. The actions that one does in the dream world have no repercussions in the real life. And hence if someone was chasing me in my dream world, when I do get up, I would still be on my bed. And I would naturally be curious to know about my origin and my past in the real world if I had been sleeping very long. But then the crimes I have commited in my dreams won't be accounted for in the real world.

And the whole human-energy thing? Machines turning humans into machines.... Fine keep it at that. As a fantasy I will allow that, but when you are talking science, get the facts right. Humans don't have sufficient energy to keep a simple house bulb glowing for a minute. So many things.....

Well.. it all started this morning with a debate on sci-fi movies which soon turned into a Matrix discussion. I will watch Matrix part 1 anyday for the special effects. For the gray matter, I have linux code with me. :)


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I couldn't follow the plot of The Matrix. I don't know if it's because I started watching after it had gone on for 1/2 hour...or if I was sleepy.

The argument I can never understand is this...are machines smarter than humans. ?!?

10:49 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Well... who knows about the future. But right now? Nope. In the near future? Nope.

10:54 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

If machines get too smart I'm going to run around unplgging the whole lot.

12:51 AM  

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