Monday, July 18, 2005

Discovery blues

I don't believe in God and yet when something tells me, someone is keeping a watch on me, someone I don't know, I feel it is true. Will come back to it in a while.

Very few people visit my site. GG, Dcver, Icy, Piu Piu, Vikings now. But there is someone who has been visiting my site for quite sometime now and has never left a comment. Now no big deal really, except that my office headquarters are in California and all the system admins sit in California. And this guy, he or a she, checks on my site from California. Now I know I am not a great writer, not even a good one. And modesty is not a virtue as Sherlock Holmes famously said.

So well, all I want to know my dear friend from California, if you are indeed from my company please let me know so that I dont publish stuff on my office life and my thoughts on me colleagues. ;)

Please, please, please, please do that. I am scared. :'( . Very scared. ;)

Here is your IP and other details.
California, Sunnyvale, United States (


Edit ::: Khoda paahad, nikli chuhiya... thats the Hindi proverb for "Much ado about nothing"
Apparently this is a bot and has nailed my site... now I know why the stats of my sites have gone up so much more. I can talk all the rubbish on my colleagues now, YOOOOO HOOOOO.... ;)


Blogger DCveR said...

Unless the bot was set by your colleagues to make sure they would miss anything posted by you!


There is no limit to paranoia!!!

(just kidding)

5:44 PM  
Blogger DCveR said...

typo, should be read:"... to make sure they won't miss..."


5:45 PM  
Blogger Icylyrics said...

Well think of it this way. You may not think you're a good writer but there are some of us who rather enjoy your style of expression. You always have something informative to share and that makes a big difference to those of us who thrive off of brain food. Maybe throw some food at them to throw them off. I guess I can't really give you my idea without them knowing it, so I'll just shut up now and pray for them. I know you don't beleive in God, and I do. I still like you. My mother would probably have called you the anti-Christ, but oh well. It sure feels good to be a grown woman and be able to make my own acquaintances. Now how in the heck did I get there?....Have a blessed day.

6:22 PM  
Blogger piu piu said...

i like the way u write anoop. i wouldnt want to look at someone's site that was just like my own, and you are very different to me which is cool

6:50 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Lol Dcver, dont make me feel so important ;).

Icy, thanks :)

Thanks Piu Piu :)

Hey lol there is this new movie called Parineeta in Hindi which has a song that goes "Piu bole, piu Bole..."

means... "Piu say, Piu says".

9:21 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Ha, you're being stalked by the Googlebot...

Well, I'm relatively new to your site, but I like what I see here. I choose the blogs I read very carefully. You've made the cut on a very short list my friend.

Of course, that list is only as good as my taste ;)

9:30 PM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Thanks Viking. :)

Well what cuisine do you like BTW?

Actually, all of you can answer this one. Wait let me add a blog entry for this question. Food really gets me going, good food that is.

12:59 AM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Big Brother's watching youuuuuuuu! Are you scared yet? boo.

I wish I knew all that techie stuff, I can find out all kinds of thing...

I'm so happy for you, you have more readers than you know!

5:12 PM  
Blogger Hayden said...

well if you notice another ip from n. california, it is probably only me - and yes, I too enjoy reading your posts! When I can make my computer work or steal someone elses!

8:15 AM  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Thanks Hayden :)

And GG, I am so scared.... Do you have Uncle Bush's number?

1:07 AM  

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