Why does one blog?
This is perhaps my 5th blog site, having deleted all the previous blogs. I have tried to be personal, I have tried to be judgemental, I have tried to act smart, I have tried to act "holier than thou", heck I have even been casual but nothing satisfied me. The whole idea of blogging, I find it superficial and yet I continue blogging. Let me just jot down a few reasons why I think people blog.
1.) They want to maintain a personal diary. (... on the internet... oxymoron)
2.) They want to impress others.
3.) They just want to log their thoughts and daily happenings. (.... so why not the good old pen and paper? But then why not this either? This is convenient afterall!!!!)
4.) They want to be known and be famous. (Perhaps because they wanted to be journalists, widely read, but could never become one?)
Do shed your thoughts on this.
Why do I blog? I have no idea. These blogs would make for excellent case studies for Freud, of that I am very sure. There's hypocrisy, genuine feelings, jealousy, sub-concious manipluation.... you name it, everything at work.
Okay, also tell me why do you blog? I will definitely seek the answer for myself now that I have raised the question.